主页 > 百科 > bitpie.apk|什么是恐惧和贪婪指数比特币?


佚名 百科 2022年11月14日

恐惧与贪婪指数比特币 (BTC) 是加密货币市场上投资者和交易者最常用的指数之一。该工具可作为多因素加密货币市场情绪分析,让投资者了解当前对比特币的情绪。 

接下来的部分将涵盖你需要了解的有关恐惧和贪婪指数的所有信息。我们将介绍指标和指数如何运作,为什么它们对投资者很重要,以及恐惧和贪婪指数比特币如何成为了解市场对 BTC 感受的最佳方式之一。 



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事实上,可以使用技术指标和其他类型的金融工具来分析指数。Investopedia 解释说,指数是一种用于以标准化方式跟踪一组资产表现的方法。例如,一个指数可以是标准普尔 500 指数。标准普尔 500 指数被用作了解金融市场总体情绪的基准之一。 

这么说吧,如果标准普尔 500 指数走高,这意味着平均而言,构成标准普尔 500 指数的大多数股票都在走高。如果标准普尔 500 指数走低,也会发生同样的情况。但是加密货币市场没有这样的指数。人们可以采用一些小型指数来衡量大多数加密货币或一篮子硬币的运动。然而,这些都不是很受欢迎。 

在 UseTheBitcoin,我们创建了一份关于如何交易指数的完整指南。本指南与你分享有关传统金融市场指数的所有信息。这也可以应用于比特币和其他虚拟货币,但你必须找到正确的指数来分析加密货币市场。 




投资者可以使用 RSI、移动平均线、指数移动平均线、MACD、斐波那契回撤和扩展水平、趋势线、Ichimoku Cloud 等等。指标的数量非常多,可以供从未在加密货币市场交易过的交易者使用。 


Coinbase 指数,也称为 CBI,是加密货币市场中追踪一篮子资产的众多指数之一。在这种特殊情况下,CBI 会跟踪在 Coinbase 交易所上市的那些数字资产的表现。值得考虑的是,这些虚拟货币随后按其市值加权。这提供了一种准确的方式来获取有关加密货币市场的有价值信息。 





恐惧和贪婪指数比特币的范围在 0 到 100 之间。最低值代表市场中的“恐惧”,而最高值代表“贪婪”。加密货币恐惧和贪婪指数目前由 Alternative.me 提供,并定期更新。 


加密货币恐惧和贪婪指数是了解加密货币市场中人们情绪的非常有用的工具。这些举动在很大程度上取决于 BTC 在市场上的表现以及人们的感受和想法可能在不久的将来发生。尽管恐惧和贪婪指数比特币倾向于追踪比特币的表现,但它的波动性低于比特币的价格。 





The index is very useful in order for investors to understand what the market feels. For example, if you are a trader and you see that the market is skyrocketing, then, it could be a good thing to check this index and see what’s the situation in the market. The Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin could be a good way for you to avoid entering a FOMO phase and buy the top.

The same can happen if the market is falling and everyone sells BTC. For traders that have BTC and don’t know what to do with them when the market falls, the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index could be a great way for you to avoid selling when the market is bottoming.

Indeed, extreme fear conditions could signal that it might be a good moment to buy. Instead, extreme greed conditions show that it could be a good moment to sell. This is not financial advice and all the information that you find in this post is for educational purposes only. We are not financial advisors.

For professional traders, the Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin can be used with other technical tools and fundamentals. It is another index to have a look at to get additional information about the current situation in the market.

How is the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index Calculated?

Alternative.me gives clear information on how they measure and how they calculate this index. The Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is calculated by gathering data from volatility, market momentum/volume, social media, surveys, dominance, and trends.

Each of these sources is then weighted according to its importance. Volatility, for example, represents 25% of the index. Alternative.me measures the volatility in the market and compares it with the average values of the last 30 and 90 days. An “unusual” rise in volatility could show fear.

To measure market momentum or volume (25%), the team behind this project measures volumes and compares them with those volumes of the last 30 to 90 days. High buying volumes show greed and high bearish volumes represent fear.

Social media also plays a key role in the Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin. Indeed, it represents 15% of the results of this index. The team runs a Twitter analysis tool that gathers specific keywords and hashtags for Bitcoin.

“An unusual high interaction rate results in a grown public interest in the coin and in our eyes, corresponds to a greedy market behaviour,” says Alternative.me

There are also surveys that help the team at Alternative.me to get better and more accurate results. Despite the fact that at the time of writing this article the Surveys are paused, they are used to represent an important part of the index. These were surveys that included between 2,000 and 3,000 market participants.

Dominance is also an important thing to take into consideration. When they measure dominance, they analyse the market cap share of Bitcoin compared to other digital assets. When Bitcoin’s dominance falls, people get more greedy (investors search for riskier assets). Instead, when Bitcoin’s dominance grows, the market could become more fearsome.

Finally, Google Trends represent a key factor when it comes to creating the Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin. They take into consideration the change in search volumes and recommended other popular searches.

Therefore, these are the sources of data that are measured by the 加密货币Fear and Greed Index:

  • Volatility (25%)
  • Market Momentum/Volume (25%)
  • Social Media (15%)
  • Surveys (15%)
  • Dominance (10%)
  • Google Trends (10%)

Why are Emotions Important when Trading Bitcoin?

Every single trader knows that trading with emotions is always a bad thing. People that want to succeed in trading must take their emotions out, otherwise, they risk losing their investment and making wrong investment decisions.

For example, if the market has been falling for weeks, and Bitcoin retraced by 75%, it might be possible that we could be close to a bottom. If Bitcoin stops falling and buying volumes surge, some people might still sell. These people that are guided by fear might decide to sell at the bottom rather than at the top, which could create financial losses for them.

Now, if Bitcoin registered a 1,000% increase in a period of 6 months, then, we should pay attention to a possible top. This does not mean, however, that Bitcoin could not register another 1,00% increase or an additional 50% drop. The market is telling important information, which can be analyzed through different indicators and indices.

In this particular case, the Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin is a great tool for traders to avoid FOMO when Bitcoin is moving higher fast and to avoid selling at the bottom when Bitcoin falls.

Why Does Bitcoin Move Higher or Lower?

Bitcoin moves higher for different reasons. Over the last years, we have seen a strong impact of macroeconomics and geopolitics on Bitcoin. Macroeconomic trends became very important to understand why Bitcoin moves higher or lower.

For example, when COVID-19 hit the world, governments printed large amounts of money and reduced interest rates to negative levels. In the short term, this did not create a problem with inflation, however, in the mid-term, inflation rates moved higher.

During the period of time in which governments followed a relaxed monetary policy, Bitcoin surged and reached new highs. As soon as central banks showed that they were ready to start cutting interest rates, Bitcoin reached a top and started a bear trend.

There are many other reasons why Bitcoin could move higher or lower. News and other types of market events could have a short-term impact on the price of Bitcoin. When Tesla announced that it purchased Bitcoin, the price of the virtual currency skyrocketed, the same happened to the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index.

When Tesla announced that they sold part of the Bitcoin they purchased, the market reacted negatively to it and Bitcoin fell.

Final Words About the Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin

加密货币恐惧和贪婪指数是加密货币市场最受欢迎的指数之一。它通常用于比特币,并提供有关市场情况的有价值信息。该指数由 Alternative.me 开发,是投资者了解市场对比特币看法的最受欢迎的工具之一。在过去几年中,该指数成为投资者更好地了解整个加密货币市场的重要工具。
